General Ho

A quiet trickle of a rumor last week was that James C. Ho, currently of counsel with Gibson Dunn and a former law clerk to Justice Thomas at SCOTUS, has been tapped to serve as the next Solicitor General of Texas. If this is true, Texas will be in very capable hands as Jim Ho is certainly one of the best appellate lawyers in the state (and the country for that matter), and has demonstrated great and valuable political savvy on the national stage as well.

Moreover, it is interesting to note that, now, three of the four solicitors general have clerked for SCOTUS (Greg Coleman–Justice Thomas; Ted Cruz–the late Chief Rehnquist; and Jim Ho–Justice Thomas). A SCOTUS clerkship now appears to be a prerequisite to the post, which makes eminent sense because one of the OSG’s main functions is to represent the State before SCOTUS–a job we have noted current General Cruz has done extremely well.

Thx to an anonymous Texas lawyer

*** UPDATE ***

It’s official.

Thx to General Cruz for his outstanding service to the Great State of Texas, and to the Texas Appellate Law Blog